Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Recap on the STAPH infection episode!

Colton has a hard time with detail. :) As some of you might know. So to help with getting some information about his mission and what things are like in Africa my Mom has come up with the "questionnaire" Every week she sends numbered questions to Colton and then he answers them in his return email. So here are some recent questions and email . These are right after my Mom recieved an email from his mission president. Telling her that Colton was staying at a couple missionaries' home because he had gotten a serious staph infection in his arm. Did Colton write and tell anyone?.....Oh no not Colt! So I am going to post the email where Colton finally lets everyone know what is going on and then the questions. I definetly wanted to post this because this is something memorable! :)So here it is......

Oct 13, 2008

Ok Everyone I am going to apologize before hand because today I am only going to be able to send a mass email. So sorry but the internet in beira is jacked. Well this was quite the interesting week thats for sure! for one as i just mentioned i am in Beira not Marromeu this week and that is because I got a staff infection in my arm in Marromeu haha. So here is the story so last saturday while out working i started to notice that where i had been bitten by a mosquito was starting to get a little red and kind of swell. So I didnt think anything about it of course! and sunday it slowly started to get worse and there was a red circile that was slowly getting bigger and more sore. but I kept working and thought nothing of it. Then P-day came around and it was worse it had started to take up my full forearm and I had red streaks going up my arm into my armpit where it was hurting so i figured i would give sister packard a call that night and see what she thought it was. Well night came around and we called and you know how i am i dont like to bother people and i figured that it would just go away so i really didnt want to call but Elder Buckner made me. But it was a little late so she didnt answer so I figured no big deal. Well i went to bed and woke up the next morning and it was very swollen and very red and hot! I really couldnt bend it and it was pretty sore. So Elder Buckner called Sister Packard and made me talk to her. So she called The area Doctor and they sent The Ross's in their car to come get me that day. Well turns out that I had a staff infection and it was spreading but luckily Sister Ross had medicine that i needed that she gave me antibiotics. I had to get three shots in the butt and i am on antibiotics but i never had to go to a hospital i am very grateful for that. But i am good now so nor worries everything is back to normal and after zone confrence I will be going back up to Marromeu. I love you all and miss you sorry for not sending individual emails. Thank you for the Love and support
Love Elder Peterson
P.S. I will not be writing next monday it will either be this Saturday or next Wedensday but if you dont get anything on either no worries it will be the next next monday

Here are some questions and Colt's answers

? 1. How was your experience working with the missionaries in Biera while you were staying with the Ross'. Did you go out with two other missionaries or how did they work that? Did you feel good enough to do anything? Did you have to take any days off? Was it different than any of your experiences so far?

Colton: Nope I didnt take one day off As Soon as i got my shots and he anti infection stuff i was out walking and I worked in the city which I havent got to do yet on my mission so that was a different experience> knocking doors getting rejected and stuff the life of the missionary haha but its all good.

?2. Do you drink bottled water? Someone was telling me that all the missionaries could drink in their area was pop. Even the bottled water wasn't safe. I'm worried about the fruit too after the Nikole Canfield experience. Do they tell you to be careful about the fruit you eat?

Colton: We have filters in the apartemnts so they are what we drink from its pretty convienent. Fruit ya you have to be careful thats for sure but its all good i am learning a lot thats for sure.

?3. Hey when you had your baptism, where did you baptize Manuel? In a river? I'm sure your church houses don't have baptismal fonts! And also do you have any pictures of that? If so, please email them to me!

Colton: Well the only person that I have baptized so far was Jone and yes> our chapel has a baptismal font. Its like a 2 million dollar chapel in the middle of nowhere it was a huge waste of the churches money but its here and thats the only reason the missionaries are here sad but true just to babysit so to speak.

?4. In one of your most recent emails you told about Juaqim and Elsa. Anything new happening there? You also said that it was really hard to get people married civilly in Mozambique. Is that the government or is it just the people's beliefs or what?

Colton: Well we just had a nice dinner with Juaqim and Elsa last night she can cook and it was really quite impressive. Wow I love them so much they are getting their documents and everything in order and should be married here within the next two months I hope but they have come a long ways from when we first started teaching them. Its an amazing thing to see.

1 comment:

  1. The incident with the staph infection is SO......Colton. He just didn't want to bother anyone (ha-ha) He just had redstreaks running the whole length of his arm. No big deal! And certainly why bother telling us at home. We had to find out from his mission president at first. Oh Colty, I love you! You are definitely one of a kind.
