Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Primary Teachers in the MANGO trees!

Dear Camie,

How are ya doing camie? Well I am doing alright, nothing all that new has happened and the mission is a lot less exciting here in Maputothan it was in Beira that's for sure. The church actually functions here and even though the branches are small they are really strongstill a long ways from becoming a stake but really strong little branches. You sure don't find your Primary presidency in mango trees during primary on a fast Sunday that's for sure ha-ha. Well I hope all is well back in the valley I told Alisha that one of my old comp'sis going to be coming home from the mission soon and he is actually taking a trip up to Logan so he is going to bring a box of goodies from me for you guys some little Africa souvenirs. Elder Buckner I am sure that he will have a couple stories for ya if you ask and he cantell ya what Marromeu is really like. Well take care if you want anything specific let me know next week Love and miss ya.
Love Elder C. Peterson

After I got this email today from Colt I forgot that I wanted to explain the story on his blog about the Primary teachers in the mango trees! Colt told me this story on Christmas Eve when I got to talk to him on the on phone and it was so FUNNY. So here goes..... Colton was telling me about how in his area in Marromeu it was sort of difficult to get the principals across about attending meetings and serving callings in the ward. Colt explained that one Sunday he went outside of the church house and noticed all the primary kids were out there just RUNNING around and he asked where their teachers all were? So he looked around and found them sitting in a Mango tree eating Mangos!!! Colt said he told them to come down and come teach the CLASS!!! And the best part was it was even Fast Sunday! :) Oh you have got to love that!!!


  1. That is an awesome story! Thanks for sharing Camie. Love you Colton. Love the pictures too.
